At Digital Scribbler, we’re on a mission to redefine what’s possible in technology.

Through R&D and behavioral innovations, we hope to fill a critical gap in inclusive technology—an area often overlooked by larger companies. Our work combines compassion with top-tier talent from the Bay Area, ensuring that innovation meets real-world needs.

On our recent “Tech Day” visit to Hope Technology School, we showcased two exciting projects that are already making a difference: Quick Talk AI and Meta Rayban Glasses.

Quick Talk AI leverages artificial intelligence to help non-verbal individuals and those with limited speech communicate more effectively. From fun character voices to multiple response options, it’s all about making communication accessible, seamless, and enjoyable.

And then there’s Meta Rayban Glasses—technology that reads text aloud, helping students with dyslexia or other reading challenges thrive in the classroom.

The students told us how intuitive these tools were and even shared feedback to make them better. From communicating with the non verbal to translating languages, they saw endless possibilities.

We’re excited for future plans to develop and introduce more inclusive technology with the students at Hope Technology School, continuing our mission to empower and inspire through innovation.

About Digital Scribbler

Digital Scribbler develops inclusive technologies that empower people to overcome their human limits and dismantle social barriers. Our research and technology enables full participation in society and enriches the human experience for all.

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